News and current events where we would like to meet you.

3 January 2022

How you will crash your IFRS 17 project

Launching an IFRS 17 project is an adventure, from all points of view: for the sponsor, the project manager, the IT specialist, the accountant, or the actuary of the company.

What are the pitfalls that await each of these protagonists and how will you succeed your IFRS 17 project?

addactis® e-book download

22 June 2022

ORSA projections with the new add-on to the SST from Addactis

With addactis® Celer(ity), insurance companies can optimise all risk management processes – from data preparation to visualisation of key figures – on a web-based platform. The innovative add-on to the standard model in accordance with the Swiss Solvency Test (SST) allows automatic implementation of projections of the business plan in the Own Risk and Solvency Assessment (ORSA). 

25 October 2022

Addactis in the ranking of InsurTech100

FinTech Global issued its annual ranking of the 100 InsurTech companies in 2022 with Addactis being part of them.

Full InsurTech100 list download